Log On Learning Transition Year Graduates at Hazelwood College

Log On Learning Transition Year graduates at Hazelwood College

Following a successful Log On Learn programme at Hazelwood College participants received their certificates of completion. Photo includes Principal Mr Brendan Burke, TY tutors and newly qualified LOL TY graduates.

Log On, Learn is a nationwide programme run in conjunction with Transition Year. Its aim is to guide senior members of the community through an introduction to computers by using a ‘buddy’ system whereby a transition year student sits with each participant so that they get individual and personalised tuition. This is the first time the course has been run at Hazelwood College and it has been a great success. Each week a different topic was covered so that over the course of 6 weeks participants gained computer knowledge and became more confident. Transition year students themselves became the teachers and it was a great way of bringing the school and the wider community together. Following its great success it is hoped to run the programme again in the autumn.