Trevor Sargent Visits Green Schools Action Day

Hazelwood College Green Schools Action Day

Report by Katie Lordan, Transition Year

The Green Schools Committee of Hazelwood College recently held a very successful Green Day as part of their quest for a green flag for the school. The Green Day was a day of action where all the students in the school got involved. The aim of the day was for each department in the school to contribute a project which incorporated the theme of recycling or helped the environment. We hoped that after the day students may be more aware of the little things that can be done to help our environment.

Each department did a fabulous job at coming up with ideas for the day. To name but a few, the P.E. department went around the school and marked where the rubbish black areas were, the English department held a fantastic book sale and the Art department designed a beautiful collage made from old magazines and painted a very scenic picture. There was a great atmosphere in the gym and all the students had a great time. Our Green Day was topped off by a visit from Trevor Sargent T.D.

Mr.Sargent was in Dromcollogher as he was presenting awards to students from the Organic College. He was taken on a tour of the gym by members of the Green Schools committee. He was very impressed by the hard work of the Green Schools Committee and was also interested in what the students of Hazelwood College contributed to the Green Day.

It is the Green Schools Committee’s aim to obtain a green flag for our school which we hope will set a good example for the rest of our community. Currently we are very dedicated to recycling as much waste as possible. We have bins for plastic bottles, tin foil, general waste, food waste, paper and glass.

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Members of Hazelwood Colleges Green Schools Committee, School Principal Mr Brendan Burke and Deputy Principal Mrs Elizabeth Dolan with Mr Trevor Sargent TD who visited the school and viewed the students work recently.

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Green Schools Co-ordinator Ms Mairead Daly with David Finn,
Transition Year who acted as MC for the action day.

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