Stop and Stare

Part of the Transition Year 08/09 Updates

Stop and Stare
The stop and stare theatre group came to school to work with the transition year class on Wednesday, the 5th of November. Using up nearly most of the school day with the help of Liam Doherty, Brien and James, the transition year students had to put together a number of scenes and have it ready to present it to the first years. Behind all these scenes, there was a meaning to them. The meaning was telling us and the first years about the peer pressure and the choices that our friends put on us such as your first cigarette, Bullying and how that we don’t try our best because the people we hang around with don’t try their best.
The different scenes we performed for the first year pupils taught us that we should choose very wisely who we should and shouldn’t hang around with because they will influence us in our lives whether it’s a good influence or a bad influence that will be the choices that we will make in the future.
Before we began going through the script, we had to take all the tables and chairs out of the room and set up the lights. We also had to do vocal exercise by talking out as loud as we could while looking at a certain point on the wall. After everyone had a go at the vocal exercise, we then began going though the different scenes and then Liam chose people for the different parts. After people had received their characters, we then started to go through the scenes and started acting them out. We practiced for about 4 hours, and after all of that we then brought the first year pupils in to perform the piece we had prepared for them.
By Suzy Boyle, Lewis Hodgson and Margie O’ Conner.