About Helen

NAME: Helen white
YEAR: Transition
STAR SIGN: Capricorn
The best thing about Hazelwood college is the Art class it is Brilliant the teacher is a lovely person and Transition years this year are entering the form fusion were you have to make a costume out of recyclable and you have to model it.

Also the principle and vice principle are lovely people to meet and how try there best to keep the school moving and keep the good name.
The people also in this school are very friendly and easy to get on with and the first years have settled in very well this year.


The best thing about school is the friends and the craic that you have with them. No matter how bad the day has been you will nearly always have a laugh at break time with them.
School will give you the best memories of your life or so I’m told but I suppose some part of that statement is true. You will also have bad memories but you have to take the good with the bad.
School gives you the opportunity to learn some new things like first aid and learning new skills. You also get the chance to partake in different activities like team sports, chess, debating and many more.

About Paudie

The best things about school.

The best thing about the school is the friends and the crack you have with them. No matter how bad the day has been you will nearly always have a laugh at break with them.

School will give you the best memories of your life or so I’m told but I suppose some part of that statement is true.

School gives you the opportunities to learn some new things like first aid and learning new skills. You also get the chance to part take in different activities like team sports, chess, debating, and many more.]

Whats good about school.

The best thing about school is the friends and being able to meet them every school day and have some craic. To meet them at lunch and complain about your day.
The memories of bring in school with my friends are some of my best because even though there were some hard times my friends were always there to help me through them.
Transition year is a great experience because it gives you a chance to do things that you normally wouldn’t do in school as well as preparing you for the leaving cert and the hard times that follow.
The sports at the school are great and we have some excellent coaches. Who have made the team good enough to win the Munster Championships over the last few years.

About Mary

Ennis, Mary
(Also known as Mary Joe, Mary Boo).

YEAR: Transition Year
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius.
LIKES: I like moonlit walks on the beaches. Of course I’ve never taken a moonlit walk on he beach, but shur how bad. I like Friday evenings and, complaining that it’s not Friday evening.

The best thing about being in Hazelwood College is the people in Transition Year. I didn’t know a lot of them before I started this year and they are all sound and gas craic.
Of course Dan mowing the lawn definitely comes in a close second.
At this point, I should really give the teachers a mention, seeing as they do come in every day, and even when I’ve gone on and am making a lot of money, they will still be coming in, every day, forever and ever. Good luck with that.