Junior Certificate Woodwork 2009

Here is a selection of Junior Certificate woodwork projects submitted as part of the State Exams 2009. Students must design one project from a choice of six (three higher level and three ordinary). The projects is submitted with a book outlining the research, designing and manufacturing processes the students undertook while creating their piece. Together the book and the project is worth up to 66%. The selection shown shows both higher and ordinary level projects

Junior Cert Woodwork Projects 2008

Here is a selection of Junior Certificate woodwork projects submitted as part of the State Exams. Students must design one project from a choice of six (three higher level and three ordinary). The projects is submitted with a book outlining the research, designing and manufacturing processes the students undertook while creating their piece. Together the book and the project is worth up to 66%. The selection shown shows both higher and ordinary level projects

Construction Studies 2008

Construction Studies
Leaving Certificate 2008


Below are the projects submitted by the Leaving Certificate Construction Studies class as part of their State Examinations. Each project is accompanied with a book containing details of the design process, research and experiments undertaken by the students in designing and building their project.